Agenda - Children, Young People and Education Committee

Meeting Venue:

Hybrid - Committee room 3 Senedd and video conference via Zoom

Meeting date: 11 January 2024

Meeting time: 09.30
For further information contact:

Naomi Stocks

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565




Private pre-meeting

(09.15 - 09.30)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest





2       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 - evidence session 1

(09.30 - 11.00)                                                                           (Pages 1 - 61)

Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services

Julie Morgan MS, Deputy Minister for Social Services

Lynne Neagle MS, Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Hywel Jones, Director of Finance, Health and Social Services Group, Welsh Government

Amelia John, Interim Director, Communities and Tackling Poverty, Welsh Government

Albert Heaney, Chief Social Care Officer for Wales, Welsh Government

Irfon Rees, Director of Health and Wellbeing, Welsh Government

Alex Slade, Director of Primary Care and Mental Health, Welsh Government

Attached Documents:
Research Brief
Paper 1 - Welsh Government



3       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from items 4 and 8 of this meeting





4       Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 - consideration of the evidence

(11.00 - 11.10)                                                                                                





(11.05 - 11.10)



5       Residential Outdoor (Wales) Bill - evidence session 4

(11.10 - 12.00)                                                                         (Pages 62 - 83)

Chris Parry, President, National Secretary Wales, National Association of Head Teachers Union (NAHT) Cymru

Laura Doel, National Secretary Wales, National Association of Head Teachers Union (NAHT) Cymru

Catherine Falcus, Education and Leadership Policy Officer, Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) Cymru

Attached Documents:
Research Brief
Paper - National Association of Head Teachers Union (NAHT) Cymru



6       Residential Outdoor (Wales) Bill - evidence session 5

(12.05 - 13.00)                                                                         (Pages 84 - 95)

Mary van den Heuvel, Senior Policy Officer Wales, National Education Union (NEU)

Urtha Felda, Policy and Casework Official, NASUWT

Ioan Rhys Jones, General Secretary, Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (UCAC)

Attached Documents:
Paper - Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru (UCAC)
Private Paper



7       Papers to note

(13.00 - 13.05)                                                                                                




7.1   Scrutiny of the Children's Commissioner for Wales

                                                                                                 (Pages 96 - 97)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Chair of the Equality and Social Justice Committee



7.2   Peer on peer sexual harassment among learners

                                                                                                           (Page 98)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Minister for Education and Welsh Language



7.3   Information from Stakeholders

                                                                                               (Pages 99 - 100)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language



7.4   Information from Stakeholders

                                                                                                         (Page 101)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Welsh Youth Parliament



7.5   Services for care experienced children: exploring radical reform

                                                                                             (Pages 102 - 109)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Deputy Minister for Social Services



7.6   General scrutiny of the Minister for Education and Welsh Language

                                                                                             (Pages 110 - 113)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language



7.7   Welsh Government White Paper on Ending Homelessness in Wales

                                                                                             (Pages 114 - 115)

Attached Documents:
Additional information from Llamau



7.8   P-06-1359 Offer Welsh working parents the same financial support for childcare as England & Petition P-06-1362 Match the new childcare offer in England of 15 hours for 2 year old's from April 2024

                                                                                             (Pages 116 - 117)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Petitions Committee



7.9   Services for care experienced children: exploring radical reform

                                                                                             (Pages 118 - 119)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Deputy Minister for Social Services



7.10 Scrutiny session with Social Care Wales

                                                                                             (Pages 120 - 122)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Chief Executive of Social Care Wales



7.11 Care Inspectorate Wales: Annual Scrutiny

                                                                                             (Pages 123 - 124)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Chief Inspector of Care Inspectorate Wales



7.12 Scrutiny sessions with Social Care Wales and Care Inspectorate Wales

                                                                                             (Pages 125 - 126)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Chair of the Health and Social Care Committee



7.13 Child Poverty

                                                                                             (Pages 127 - 133)

Attached Documents:
Welsh Government response to the Equality and Social Justice Committee’s report on Child Poverty



7.14 Information from Stakeholders

                                                                                             (Pages 134 - 135)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Chair of the Children, Young People and Education Committee to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language



7.15 Mental Health support in Higher Education

                                                                                             (Pages 136 - 139)

Attached Documents:
Joint letter from the Minister for Education and Welsh Language and the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing



7.16 Do disabled children and young people have equal access to education and childcare?

                                                                                             (Pages 140 - 153)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Minister for Climate Change



7.17 Services for care experienced children: exploring radical reform

                                                                                             (Pages 154 - 163)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Deputy Minister for Social Services



7.18 Childcare and parental employment

                                                                                             (Pages 164 - 166)

Attached Documents:
Letter from the Equality and Social Justice Committee



8       Residential Outdoor (Wales) Bill - consideration of the evidence

(13.00 - 13.15)                                                                                                






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